Getting Started
If you elect to participate in the anonymous oocyte recipient part of this program this information will be held in confidence. At the completion of your cycle your donor will not be informed of the outcome of the cycle. It will be up to you and your partner to decide with whom to share this information, including your obstetrician, should you conceive.
We recommend that you consider who you will inform and the potential consequences of this decision prior to beginning a cycle of receiving anonymous oocytes.
The oocyte donor’s identity is also protected and you will not be given any information about her. We will discuss our screening and matching procedures with you and make an attempt to incorporate any special requests that you may have in the selection of your donor.
If you should use a known donor, she must meet the same screening criteria as our anonymous donors. Charges for the cycle with either anonymous or known donors is the same with the possible exception of donor compensation. It is your decision to choose whether or not you want to compensate a known donor.
A recipient matching form is needed. This information will need to be returned to us before we can begin the matching process.
In this form you are asked to provide physical characteristics (height, weight, hair and eye color) and genetic/medical history of both partners. Donors are matched with these characteristics as closely as possible.
We also require that both partners have screening lab work obtained prior to beginning a cycle. The evaluation will also include an assessment of the uterine lining (Mock Cycle) as well as other general health information. If your partner's sperm is being used, a semen analysis and semen freeze will also need to be performed.
Getting Prepared
A cycle begins when we have matched you with an oocyte donor. This process may take anywhere from 3-12 months. We will notify you by phone that we have found a match and schedule a date to begin medications. Donor registries may shorten the length of time it takes to find a donor but, registries charge additional fees, which can be quite expensive.
Financial Consideration
Donors are compensated for their time and efforts and not based on their characteristics or the outcome of treatments.
See our cost summary for an estimate of charges that are incurred during an average cycle. You must understand that these are only estimates. Additional charges for medications, laboratory screening, or other services may be incurred. These charges are also subject to change without prior notice.
You will be responsible for the costs of treatments incurred by the donor.
At Westchester Fertility & Reproductive Endocrinology, IVF, PGD, ICSI – is done under one roof. We have complete IVF Lab & Surgery facilities for your convenience.
Dear N,
Well it finally happened for us!! A was born 6 week early & it’s been a loooong road. She was born 3lb 14oz & is almost 11lb at 4 months (pic on card is at 3 ½ months). After all of this I realize the fertility treatments were the easy part!
I have to thank you so much for literally getting me through it all. It really was your smiling face, reassurance, positivity & convos that kept me sane. You are the reason I stayed at Westchester Fertility & I’m glad I did!
Dr. Blotner should be very grateful to have you on his staff. You are able to bring humor & decency into, what would otherwise be a much more uncomfortable & upsetting process.
I hope you continue to work with women with infertility because we rally need someone like you! You have a real gift for what you do & we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Love, J