To all current and future patients:
We are very sorry to let you know we will be temporarily closing Westchester Fertility due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
It grieves us to have to take these steps. However, to ensure your safety and that of our employees, we feel this is the best step.
We understand how devastating this must be for you as you struggle to conceive your family and now must put infertility treatment temporarily on hold. If we have not already done so, we will contact each of you individually. Please know we always are here for you to talk about your future options.
All of us have a role to play in stopping the spread of COVID-19. Epidemiologists feel that social distancing and staying at home as much as possible are the best ways to ‘flatten the curve’ of further transmission in the fastest period.
Meanwhile, I am always available to talk to you over the phone as well as through video consultations. Email info@westchesterfertility.com to schedule.
Also, Dr. Blotner may be paged by calling (914) 949-6677.
We also will be keeping in touch with you individually and through our social media accounts and blogs on our website.
I am hopeful we will return to a new ‘normal’ as soon as we safely can.
Resources about COVID-19: