IVF Laboratory

Our on-site laboratory is fully equipped with state-of-the-art technology to provide our patients with a broad range of services.

Our lab specializes in:

  • In vitro fertilization
  • ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
  • Assisted hatching
  • Embryo biopsy/PGD (for genetic testing)

We coordinate efforts with a urologist when the male partner requires MESA (mid-epididymal sperm aspiration) or TESE (testicular sperm extraction).

Egg freezing by both classical and vitrification techniques, as well as sperm cryopreservation, can be performed for our patients. Viable embryos will be cryopreserved by both classical and vitrification techniques.

We are licensed by the State of New York Department of Health for these services and the laboratory is routinely inspected by NYSDOH, as well as the FDA.

Having an on-site IVF laboratory enables us to perform all needed services in-house, thus providing our patients with superior privacy and full-service care.

Other Laboratory Services: Andrology

Before an intrauterine insemination,  we specially prepare the semen sample in one of the following ways.

Semen Wash

Semen washing is a procedure in which a semen specimen is prepared for therapeutic insemination. The main purpose for washing semen is to remove the seminal plasma from the ejaculate and concentrate all of the sperm into a small volume for insemination into either the cervix or uterus.

Sperm Isolation

Sperm isolation is a procedure in which the motile sperm is separated from the seminal plasma by using a special medium to isolate sperm from the seminal plasma. This procedure will usually produce a sample enriched with motile sperm and minimal particulate contamination. The specimen is then concentrated into a small volume for insemination into either the cervix or uterus.

Sperm Freezing

Sperm freezing is a procedure in which a sperm sample is stored for later use using cryopreservation. Sperm is frozen in liquid nitrogen and most often thaws well. Conception rates are usually excellent. Using this procedure can guarantee the ready availability of semen required for any of our reproductive techniques where there may be an issue with co-location of the egg and semen when needed.


Endocrinology is the study of hormones. We analyze and test for reproductive hormone issues.


Unexplained infertility may be explained by a deeper look into the mother’s immune system.

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