Learn your egg freezing options. Westchester Fertility is right in your backyard and ready to help you preserve your fertility.
Frequently Asked Questions About Egg Freezing
What does egg freezing cost?
- One cycle: $6800
- Two cycles: $10,800
- Three cycles: $14,800
A cycle includes:
- Office visits
- Blood test and ultrasound monitoring
- Transvaginal oocyte aspiration
- Isolation of the ooctyes
- Freezing (cryopreservation)
- One year of storage
Not included:
- Medication ($2000-$4000 range)
- Anesthesia ($800 per retrieval)
An initial reproductive evaluation should include an AMH level, day 3 bloods, and antral follicle counts. Storage fees will be applied annually.
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Should you consider egg freezing?
Many women consider egg freezing because they have been diagnosed with cancer and treatment might compromise or destroy their fertility. Other reproductive-age women, however, want to take control of their reproductive futures by freezing their eggs. They either are unable or not ready to become pregnant now because of work or school obligations or they have not found a partner with whom they want to have a baby. With egg freezing, their genetic material remains ‘frozen in time’ for when they are ready to start a family.
How many eggs should I freeze?
The number of eggs you should freeze depends on your age at the time of freezing. The ideal time for women to undergo egg freezing is between the ages of 28-34. Your ovarian reserve (how many eggs in your internal egg bank) will also be a factor in determining how many eggs to freeze. Patients over the age of 35 should expect to undergo more than one cycle.
What does egg freezing entail?
First, you will take fertility medications to help you produce more than the normal one egg (oocyte) that you ovulate each month. We will train you how to administer the medications (they are self-injectable). We also will monitor you with blood work and ultrasounds, which will require a few office visits before the egg retrieval.
Dr. Blotner will use ultrasound-guided aspiration to retrieve your eggs in our office surgical suite. You will be given IV-conscious sedation for the procedure.
What is the egg freezing process?
We use the flash-freezing vitrification process to preserve your oocytes and prevent the formation of crystals that can occur during freezing. Rapid freezing through vitrification has been proven to be more successful than the older slow-freeze method because it does not allow crystallization to occur, which can damage your eggs.